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The aims of the King James's School Foundation

Welcome to the King James’s School Foundation, based in the village of  Almondbury. We give grants to promote the education of those under 25 who attend or formerly attended King James’s School and / or live in the Ancient Parish of Almondbury, as defined by the map at the foot of the page.


In recent years, these grants have helped to fund World Challenge expeditions to Vietnam and Cambodia, sports training with expenses and special music training at summer schools.


We support the King James's school minibus used for extra-curricular sports fixtures and the Reward Shop. Recently, we supported the PTA of a local first school in providing an outdoor activity trail in their playground.

The KJS foundation logo

The Charity was established in 1608 and its assets have been subject to various additions. It is currently governed by a scheme approved by the Charity Commission in 2001 which details its objectives. All allocations of funds must be within the scope of these objectives:


  • To continue to permit the land containing 1.132 hectares or thereabouts, situate at Almondbury in the County of West Yorkshire, together with the buildings thereon to be appropriated and used for the purposes of the school called King James's School.


  • To provide items, services and facilities for King James's School, or to assist in the provision thereof, as may be agreed with the School governors, to advance education.


  • To promote the education of individual pupils attending the School at the time of their application for assistance, in such ways as the Trustees think fit.


  • To promote the education of persons who are under age 25 years who are resident in the Ancient Parish of Almondbury, in such charitable ways as the Trustees shall think fit.


​The Foundation welcomes grant applications at any time. Please complete this form  giving us your contact details and the grant you are seeking and our trustees will be happy to give it full consideration.

Castle Hill long shot Fran WIlson copy_edited.jpg

Income from historic endowments, land and properties helps to support the school, its pupils and other young people, and to maintain the grounds on which the buildings stand.


The total value of grants awarded by the Foundation over the past five years was more than £50,000, an amount that would have been greater had it not been affected by the Covid pandemic. 

History of the Foundation

From the time of the school charter in 1608, a piece of land was conveyed to a trust fund to be held for the purposes of the school and occupied by it in perpetuity. This represents an area of approximately 2.8 acres and that covers the oldest part of the school.


Since the 17th century, the assets of the fund have grown through gifts from benefactors. Particularly noteworthy was the winding-up of Wormall’s Charity in about 1880 and the subsequent transfer of its assets to the King James’s Trust. 

Cricket pitch at King James's School

The King James School is currently governed by a scheme approved by the Charity Commission on September 17, 2001, which details the objectives of the charity. The capital value of properties owned by the Foundation, along with other investments, is in the region of £2m.


This enables the Foundation to make substantial grants each year to the School and to individual beneficiaries.

​King James's School Foundation

St Helen's Gate, 




Registered charity No. 505999

Map of the area eligible for Foundation grants

Janet Cockroft, Chair

Coun Paola Davies

Keith Crawshaw

Andrew Haigh (KJS nominee)

Christopher Mann

Patrick O'Brien

Walter Raleigh (OAS nominee)

Richard Taylor

Michael Wilson

Anthony Haigh (Clerk)

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